Horimiya is a beloved romance anime that has captured viewers’ hearts with its charming characters and heartwarming storyline. Based on the manga series by HERO, this slice-of-life anime follows the budding relationship between the seemingly opposite personalities of Kyouko Hori and Izumi Miyamura.
Throughout the series, Horimiya offers several memorable quotes that resonate with anyone who has experienced the joys and complexities of falling in love. From profound musings on the nature of relationships to witty banter that captures the essence of young romance, these quotes encapsulate what makes Horimiya such a beloved and relatable anime.
Whether you’re a die-hard fan or appreciate the beauty of well-written dialogue, these Horimiya quotes will surely tug at your heartstrings and remind you of the magic of love in all its forms.
Best Horimiya Quotes
Kyouko Hori Quotes
1. It’s not just about being pretty or not. It’s about how you look at things.
2. There’s no point in looking for an answer in the past. You have to live in the present.
3. I don’t want to look back and regret not saying something I should have.
4. You’re such a weirdo.
5. He reminds me of the dark villain in a detective movie.
6. Everyone has a side of themselves that they don’t want other people to see.
7. Sometimes, I’m unsure if you’re incredibly bold or foolish.
8. I don’t want anyone else to see you like this, Miyamura.
9. Why… Why is it always, always, always like this? Why are you always not around… Where is it that you’re going to, huh?
10. Who knew trying to find out his name would be this exhausting
11. Miyamura’s mine! You can’t have him! – Kyouko Hori
Miyamura Izumi Quotes
11. Everyone starts from zero. If you mess up, try it. Figure out why, and try again.” – Miyamura Izumi
12. The only person who’s seen me without a shirt on is Hori.” – Miyamura Izumi
13. Under such circumstances, you shouldn’t say “Where are you going” but rather “Don’t go.” – Miyamura Izumi
14. You can have the bad days so you can love the good days even more.” – Miyamura Izumi
15. This is a surprise. You are talking to me. I thought for sure after yesterday, you’d avoid being around me.” – Miyamura Izumi
16. I think you’re way cuter like this.” – Miyamura Izumi
Toru Ishikawa Quotes
17. “You’re weird… But that’s okay. You’re just awkward.” – Toru Ishikawa
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