The heartwarming manga series Ikoku Nikki by Tomoko Yamashita is getting an anime adaptation by the acclaimed studio Shuka, known for works like The Case Files of Jeweler Richard and Natsume’s Book of Friends. While a release date hasn’t been announced yet, the main staff for the project has been revealed.
Director Miyuki Oshiro leads the production and has worked on episodes of the acclaimed series To Your Eternity and Natsume’s Book of Friends movie. Kohei Kiyasu, a voice actor known for his work on My Home Hero will handle the series composition and screenplay.
Kenji Hayama, who worked on the fan-favorite Princess Jellyfish anime, will bring the character designs to life. Rounding out the main staff is composer Kensuke Ushio, whose scores can be heard in popular series like Chainsaw Man and Words Bubble Up Like Soda Pop.
For those unfamiliar, Ikoku Nikki follows 35-year-old novelist Makio, who suddenly finds herself taking in her orphaned niece Asa. The two must learn to adjust to their new life together despite potential difficulties. The heartwarming slice-of-life story was serialized in Shodensha’s Feel Young magazine from 2017 to 2023, spanning 54 chapters collected into 11 volumes.
The manga has received critical acclaim, being nominated for major awards like the Manga Taisho and Tezuka Osamu Cultural Prize multiple times.
Fans of the source material also have another adaptation to look forward to – a live-action Ikoku Nikki movie starring Yui Aragaki, Ikoi Hayase, and Koji Seto is set to premiere in June 2024.
With its heartwarming premise and impressive staff, the Ikoku Nikki anime is shaping up to be a potentially touching and beautifully animated addition to the upcoming season lineup whenever it arrives.
Source: Official Website
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